Each Sunday we start at 10am in the old sanctuary and head over to the hall at around 11.30am for some morning tea and refreshments. We worship Jesus, embrace authentic relationships and seek to be a blessing to our communities. All are welcome!
Earlwood Baptist is a gathering of people from all walks of life, with different stories, from different cultures and backgrounds but we have found oneness in Jesus.
We believe that lives are restored in Christ. In Christ, our lives find its peace and wholeness. We discover how life is meant to be lived by the one who formed it.
10 AM Sundays
If you need to talk to someone for prayer, pastoral care or counselling, we are here to listen:
Call Us: 0405 774 157
Email: info@earlwoodbaptist.org.au
If you would like to give to the ministries of Earlwood Baptist electronically, we ask you to transfer to the following account.
Thank you for your faithful giving!
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Account Number